설계제도 작업대 는 대상물을 프리캐드에서 2D로 생성하고 수정하는 것에 중점을 두었습니다. 그러나 대상물이 일반 좌표계의 XY면에서만 존재하는 구속조건이 아닙니다. 대상물의 3D 공간에서 방향이나 위치를 임의로 정할 수 있고, 설계용 물체는 평면 형식, 비 평면 형식 둘 다 됩니다.
Draft objects can be used for general drafting, similar to what can be done with Inkscape or AutoCAD. But they can also form the base for the creation of 3D objects in other workbenches. A Draft Wire may define the path of an Arch Wall, a Draft Polygon can be extruded with Part Extrude, etc. Many of the Draft modifier tools can be applied to 2D and 3D objects created with other workbenches as well. You can, for example, move a Sketch or create a Draft OrthoArray from a Part object.
The Draft Workbench also provides tools to define a working plane, a grid, and a snapping system to precisely control the position of geometry.
If your primary goal is the production of complex 2D drawings and DXF files, and you don't need 3D modelling, FreeCAD may not be the right choice for you. You may wish to consider a dedicated software program for technical drafting instead, such as LibreCAD or QCad.
The image shows the grid aligned with the XY plane.
On the left, in white, several planar objects.
On the right a non-planar Draft Wire used as the Path Object of a Draft PathArray.
The Draft snap toolbar allows selecting the active snap options. The buttons belonging to active options stay depressed. For general information about snapping see: Draft Snap.
The Draft → Utilities menu contains several tools. Most of them can also be accessed from toolbars or the Draft Tray and have already been mentioned above. For the following tools this is not the case:
Apply current style: applies the current style settings to selected objects.
For a Draft Text and a Draft Label that contains one or more hyperlinks, to a local or remote file or an URL, this additional option is available:
Open hyperlinks: the hyperlinks are opened in the appropriate application (as defined by the OS). There is a warning in the case of multiple hyperlinks. introduced in version 1.0
Array: creates an orthogonal array from a selected object. The created array can be turned into a polar array or a circular array by changing its 데이터Array Type property. Not available in version 0.21 and above.
Drawing: inserts views of selected objects into a drawing page. Not available in version 0.21 and above.
Toggle continue mode: switches continue mode on or off. Not available in version 1.0 and above.
Preferences: general preferences for the Draft Workbench.
Import Export Preferences: preferences available for importing from and exporting to different file formats.
File formats
The Draft Workbench provides FreeCAD with importers and exporters for several file formats. These are used by the Std Import and Std Export commands.